Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil Review

Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil

Bobbi Brown Counter: HKD380
Volume: 200ml/bottle

2015-07-24 18.24.31What goes on must come off. At the end of a long day at work, all I want to do is to

get home and take off all of my make up before taking a shower to wash the tired off of me. I’m a firm believer in using separate products for my eyes/lips and face; there are products out there that say you can remove all of your makeup with one product but I honestly feel that it’s all too messy.

I’ll talk about my eye makeup remover in another post, but I’d like to introduce you to this great makeup remover: the Bobbi Brown Oil Cleanser. Priced at HKD380 per 200ml bottle, this product can be purchased at any Bobbi Brown counter here in Hong Kong. Made with Jasmine Flower Extract and Kukui Nut Oil combined with a host of organic oils such as Sunflower, Olive and Jojoba, this oil cleanser has a light consistency that emulsifies quickly when you add water to it and it turns a whitish colour as you mix more water into it.

I usually use about two pumps of it onto dry palms and massage it all over my dry face in circular motions after removing my eye makeup, and then slowly adding lukewarm water and washing my face with the same circular motions to wash off the oil and subsequently the makeup from my face. I am left with nice clean skin that doesn’t feel tight or greasy afterwards. I personally prefer to follow up with a cream cleanser that is fit for the season (FYI, Bobbi Brown’s Lathering Tube Soap is also quite the amazing 🙂 ) as I believe in using a double cleansing system; however, this product doesn’t require you to do so as your skin is left clean and supple after the initial cleansing. I happen to be very paranoid about breaking out and I feel that the double cleansing will leave me extra squeaky clean.

I have a list of cleansing oils that I would like to try in the future, but for now, this product has not made me break out or red sensitive patches on my face, and it is a dependable product for any season and different intensities of makeup looks; this alone is already a winner in my book 🙂

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